The Abundance Playbook


12 weeks to booked out + sold out for women creatives and service providers

your zero-risk playbook for more engagement, traffic, and sales


Do any of these sound familiar?:

→ You’re Not Making Sales

if you don’t change something, your business is a burden

You need to make sales in your business to create a consistent income. Otherwise, your small business is a burden and a liability. If you don’t do anything different, you won’t get anything different.

→ You Can’t Find Customers


Are you struggling with your reach on social media? Can’t seem to figure out where your customers are hanging out? When where your sales come from is a mystery, you can’t attract people who will actually pay you.

→ You Hate Promoting Yourself


If you don’t know what to say that you think people will actually want to read, or feel like you’re spamming people with your marketing … but you also WANT AND NEED to make sales, you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. You’ll never make a profit if you don’t promote your business, and you CAN do it in a way you’re proud of.


If so, you’re in the right place. This 12-week program will walk you through every step you need to book out or sell out, generate a growing income, and take control of your business.



“Flying by the seat of your pants” and “throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks” will only take you so far.

Marketing your business without strategy just leads to rejection, constant worry, and “feast or famine” in your bank account.

You CAN create growth and steady revenue when you have an action plan.


See the results of your marketing in your inbox and your bank account.

No more dipping into savings or using personal money to keep your business afloat.

A steady flow of new customers will allow you financial security so you can rest easy knowing you’re supporting your household.


Marketing your business means having to “wear a lot of hats.”

It may also impact your mental health, make you feel like you were neglecting your family, home, or health to “get sh*t done,” or result in strained relationships over financial stress.

But it DOESN’T HAVE TO be this way. The women who apply what they learn in this program confidently generate revenue, sell out their launches, and book out their calendars, because they know exactly which actions to take to see more traffic, profit, and engagement.


“HOLY SHIT! So much abundance is in 2023 for me. I might still be flailing around this year if it wasn’t for you. I am booked out for months and continue to get inquiries EVERY SINGLE DAY.”

— Laura, Colorado, The Abundance Playbook, Fall Session 2022


No-risk guarantee:

More sales, more traffic, more engagement when you do the program or get 100% of your money back ✅

Spring 2024 Session: Tuesdays, 12p Eastern / 9a Pacific, starting March 26th. Email Micah here with questions.

Before I took this program, I felt like I wasn’t really attracting my ideal client or converting traffic on my IG/website. The program taught me a lot about marketing from the standpoint of my ideal client instead of offering the ways I can help my ideal client. I feel more confident when I create content that it will support my ideal client’s next step on the customer journey.
— Brandee, WA
Micah did a great job creating The Abundance Playbook. In 12 weeks she provides an abundance of actionable items to help you break down the most important items to move your business forward. (I can hear her saying “what does it mean to move your business forward?😜)

Micah pushes you by asking questions to make you go deeper and deeper until you get to the crux of who you are, who your customer is, and what results you are going to give them.
— Dani, Hi
Before this program, I knew what to do but was having trouble implementing and breaking down the steps necessary to take my business to the next level. After taking The Abundance Playbook, I feel like I have the tools and guidance I needed to actually take action. The Abundance Playbook gave me the clear blueprint and action plan I needed.
— Kim, TX

What You’ll Get | The Abundance Playbook


12 weeks of group teaching

Recordings and transcripts

1:1 feedback

Weekly homework assignments and private feedback for certainty and acountability

Private strategy session

Free 30-minute private session to troubleshoot and feel 100% confident in your plans

Support and camaraderie

Running a small business can feel isolating. Your cohort in this intimate program will feel like your coworkers and sounding-board.

Fill-in-the-blank workbook

Leave every week with a completed plan for how to take action in your copy and content

Real examples from women creatives

Case studies, actionable advice, and dozens of real-world examples so you can see what works


What you’ll accomplish in 12 weeks

The Abundance Playbook curriculum:

  • Week 1 | Your Customer Journey + Value

  • Week 2 | Getting To Know Your Ideal Customer

  • Week 3 | Creating Engaging Content

  • Week 4 | Picking Platforms + Repurposing

  • Week 5 | Growing Your Audience With A Lead Magnet

  • Week 6 | Bringing Your Audience To Your Website

  • Week 7 | Nurturing Your Audience With Emails

  • Week 8 | Writing Compelling Website Copy

  • Week 9 | Warming Up Your Audience

  • Week 10 | Automating Your Customer Journey

  • Week 11 | Motivating Your Audience to Book or Buy

  • Week 12 | Creating Loyalty + Referrals


The Abundance Playbook is the only virtual marketing program for women creatives with a payment plan and money-back guarantee.



Frequently-Asked Questions

What if I can’t make the live calls?

No problem; all calls are live AND recorded. You’ll get a wrap-up email after each weekly call with a recording and a transcript so you can watch and rewatch. This program was designed for women creatives with busy schedules.

Can I get feedback from you?

Definitely. You’ll get a weekly “homework” assignment to help you implement what you learned. You’ll submit it to me via email and I’ll reply with direct feedback on your website, emails, content, etc., so you always know exactly what to do next.

Do I still get access to this after the 12 weeks?

Yes! Each session has a private cohort page where all 12 weeks of homework, recordings, transcripts, and slides are saved for you to revisit. You will have continued access even after you complete the program.

Do I need to know a lot about marketing to be a good fit?

No. You can be a “beginner” business owner just getting started OR a veteran entrepreneur and succeed in this program. We’ll also talk about the best-fit website, email, and tech tools for your business, so it’s okay if you don’t have all those things set up yet.