Instagram Audit

Let’s Make Your Profile Profitable

Your Instagram content should be a sales machine for your small business.

In your Audit, I’ll take a look at your profile and make you a custom list of changes to make to start seeing more followers, engagement, and sales every time you post, so you can grow your audience and your income.

The whole point of having a social media presence for your business is to attract people who will buy from you.

If you don’t know why you’re not seeing results from the time you spend on Instagram, I’ll break it all down for you in your personal audit with a list of foolproof action items for you to take to see more engagement, followers, and traffic from your Instagram profile.



▶ You’re Not Getting Engagement

Have you ever been so frustrated by low engagement on Instagram that you wondered if you’re “shadow-banned?” If the Insta updates mean that you’ve seen less and less engagement than ever, you may feel like you’ll never be successful on the platform. With the right action plan, though, you will see comments, saves, likes, and follows, and you’ll even be recognized in real life from your Instagram content.

▶ You Need To Make Sales

As a business owner, you want and need income and financial security. The whole point is to bring in money and actually pad your bank account. Instagram CAN be a steady source of paying customers and leads. Your followers can become customers and you’ll see ‘SOLD’ in your inbox when you turn Reels views into income. Without making a change, though, you won’t ever see a change in your sluggish sales. A poor social media presence drags your small business down.

▶ You Don’t Know What To Post

Do you scramble for Instagram ideas? Scroll hopelessly through your camera roll, hoping inspiration will strike? If you keep fiddling with your bio, try to copy what seems to work for others, mess around in Canva, and STILL don’t see results, this Audit is a good investment. You’ll come out with a vision for content that feels so authentic you can’t wait to hit “publish,” and brings in sales to your biz.

▶ You’re Not Growing On Instagram

If your follower count is totally stagnant, or you LOSE followers, you may be tempted to give up on Instagram altogether. Changes to your profile can shoot you past that 10K threshold, bring new followers every day, and attract people who actually want to book or buy with you.

▶ You Struggle To Post Consistently

Only showing up every so often? When you’re not seeing results from Instagram, it’s easy to “post and ghost” for a while, which only contributes more to the roller coaster of engagement. You need to show up and show your space and face on Instagram to see results.

Instagram Audit
Claim An Instagram Audit


“Is this worth it?”

You may be wondering about financial investment you’ll make in this Audit, especially if your business has tight budget constraints, or if you’ve had previous negative experiences with marketing services that didn't deliver on their promises (I see you, “Instagram gurus!” 👀).

Investing in an Instagram Audit gives you the BEST return on your investment because we directly address areas for improvement, which means every dollar you spend works towards increasing your engagement, sales, and overall business growth.

“What do I have to do?”

Some may be concerned about the amount of time and effort they need to put into implementing the changes recommended by the audit. They might doubt their ability to consistently apply the strategies or worry about the learning curve.

▶ Your Audit comes with a step-by-step action plan tailored to your unique business needs, making your to-dos straightforward. I break it all down so you can efficiently apply these strategies without feeling overwhelmed. All you have to do right now is fill in your business info!

“Will I actually get results?”

You may be skeptical about the effectiveness of the audit, wondering if it can truly make a significant difference in their engagement, growth, and sales on Instagram, especially if they've been disappointed by social media marketing strategies in the past.

I get it! That’s why we base my strategies on proven methods after a decade of working with businesses similar to yours. My approach is designed to yield measurable results, so you see the difference in your inbox and notifications and bank account.

“I’m worried about trying something new.”

Changing your current approach or stepping outside of your comfort zone can be intimidating. If you’re concerned about turning people off, losing your current audience or not being able to maintain authenticity while trying new stuff, don’t worry; you’re in good hands.

Change can be daunting, but your Audit is designed to enhance what's already working for your brand and gently introduce new strategies that feel authentic to you. Our goal is to expand your reach while maintaining the core essence of your business and PERSON.

“Is this right for my industry and business?”

Think this Audit will provide generic advice rather than customized strategies? No way.

▶Your Audit is just for YOU. I never do the same one twice. I’m walking through and showing you on video what’s working and what to change in your profile and content. I take into about your ideal customer, offers, and goals to give you personalized recommendations that resonate with your business. You'll receive customized advice tailored specifically to your niche and profile.